目前分類:What i say.... (247)
- Sep 26 Wed 2007 21:46
[my life] 眼睛脫窗
- Sep 18 Tue 2007 23:52
[my life] the right spot
- Sep 13 Thu 2007 17:00
[my life] a sweet hug is needed
- Aug 20 Mon 2007 13:09
[my life] 潛在特質
呼~這樣的天氣之下 要出門都要算準時機-把握時間-趕緊完成外出事項
- Aug 17 Fri 2007 20:31
[my life] my first IELTs exam...
I have been here in Kaohsiung yesterday for preparing IELTs exam to get myself into this unfamiliar area and BED. However, it was put off due to typhoon-Sepat;moreover, the new date is still unknown...Oh~is it true that typhoon is coming? It is still in triquility at the moment. Alas! Sepat disturbs my plan for the time being also that in futur.
- Aug 15 Wed 2007 19:15
[my life] 心臟噗通跳
- Aug 11 Sat 2007 20:26
[edu.] useful printable stickers
近期 因為準備考試荒廢掉尋找「免費英語教材」的任務
- Aug 05 Sun 2007 15:12
[my life] A bomb in mind
I-have considered myself as a lucky perpon who knows what to do,where the aims are and is positive to life. "The decision ofchoosing to study education programme is never a mistake but aturning point in life." That is what I always thought; therefore,every time when friends or colleagues complained about thedifficulties,pressure and depression they had during beinginterns/practice teachers(whatever they called), I took thoseemotion and works as a trial to assay my ability. 'Coz only theones who passed it will be strong to face the future. Now that exams about to be aformal teacher or not were over; however, a great stress isfollowed- expectation from parents. I dare not to tell them thatpreparing to go abroad is my prime choice now. Although it is alsoimportant to seize the chance to be a substitute teacher,especially the teacher called me the other day, that isnonessential for me. All I want at this moment is to get a highscore in ielts then to upgrade myself. Therefore, please put itinto an end and let me have a sound dream.
- Aug 01 Wed 2007 19:54
[my life] Le Petit Prince
終於盼到Le Petit Prince來台灣了,從大二學法文開始就非常迷戀法國的音樂劇Nôtre Dame de Paris, Les Misérables...
- Jul 30 Mon 2007 22:29
[my life] 高興
- Jul 29 Sun 2007 19:53
[my life] the happiest nation on Earth
The nation mentioned here in the title is definitely not Taiwan or any other developed countries. EVERYTHING is going to be more and more expensive and only the salary stays the same. Boff...that's frustrating. Once I saw one speaking question-Describe the gap of rich and poor in your country. To tell the truth, the gap is huge and deep as Mariana Trench. While the rich are comparing who have the most expensive car, brand, villa or enjoying a lunch box costs 5000NT...etc. , there are families which only have a few hundred dollars in the bank and do not know where is their next stop. Some would say that that's the world and that's what they deserve. The rich they earn the money themselves and the poor they should try to make a living. Is that really that easy as mentioned above? This morning, I watched a TV program about one royal high school in Taichung. The principle said proudly," Our goal is to form the future's leader and we give them the best...." As far as I know, the tuition of the school is at least NT100,000 or more for one semester. The video shows that they have the beautiful buildings which look like castle from the outside; morover, there is 10 students in the class who are taught in whole English by a foreign teacher. Now, I got the question " Kids in rich family are getting stronger and powerful since young age due to high class education, then how could it be possible that the gap between the rich and the poor will be smaller?"
While thinking the question, I saw this video on abcnews.go.com- The Happiest Nation on Earth
- Jul 24 Tue 2007 23:20
[my life] too much expectation

There are too many matters happened during these days. The resultof exam finally was announced and I did not make it. That is thesituation I wish for 'coz I no longer take teaching in theelementary school as my prime goal. It did not mean that I gave upteaching there, instead, I sensed the lack of knowledge according to myexperience. To stand in front of kids who rely onyou and trust whatever you said needs courage and confidence. Ihave the courage because I love the job; moreover, I love to beingwith them. However, I often question myself when the moon rise uponthe sky with tranquility. Was I dealing the problem in proper way?Did I really teach the kids what they desire to learn and theknowledge make sense to their lives? Those are reflections hide inmy mind. All and all, my parents was expecting that there would bean elementary school teacher in the family after this exam. Indeed,I let them down. But, I know where my destination is and am sailingthere steadily. Will I be a teacher? The answer is certainly, it isonly a matter of time.
- Jul 18 Wed 2007 21:20
[my life] my neighborhood

Though I did not put my aim on this teacher qualificationexamination, there is still a great pressure around me. Recently, Ifocus on preparing IELTS and doing a huge amount of pretests andexercises to build myself up. However, the more I study, the less Iknow. It feels like the high peak of my English has gone away inhigh school life. It is suffering to prepare tests which may be theturning point of life. Therefore, the activity I do the most duringthis period is to stand on the roof to see the beautiful sceneryaround our house. The image of tranquility and attractive neverappear in mind to be the adjective to describe my neighborhood.However, I started to have the feeling that it is great to livehere surrounding by mountains and avenues. Like the old saying goes,"There's no place like home."
- Jul 13 Fri 2007 21:00
[my life] 女>男
- Jul 12 Thu 2007 21:38
[my life] broaden my vision
- Jul 03 Tue 2007 20:12
[my life] peaceful breath
- Jun 26 Tue 2007 22:31
[my life] to skyrocket
學到新單字-to skyrocket(v.)猛漲/突然高升/煙火般往上衝 (n.)流星煙火
- Jun 12 Tue 2007 21:41
[my life] the only child
I have thought that how wonderful it could be if I were an onlychild at home. In that case, I could request and do things as Ilike. My parents would focus on me only; furthermore, I would notneed to worry about being a good model for my younger brother whichhas always been the trigger of countless quarrels.
Now, the dream came true because he is away home in Maoli forstudying. So, I became the 'only child' here in Taichung. However,I did not have the excitement I dreamt before. Instead, pressureand too much focus keep pressing me into depression. I wonder howmuch can I endure. Although the beginning is out of kindness andcare, I need some privacy or even rights to decide my future.
- Jun 07 Thu 2007 22:28
[my life] 未接來電
- Jun 05 Tue 2007 21:23