There are too many matters happened during these days. The resultof exam finally was announced and I did not make it. That is thesituation I wish for 'coz I no longer take teaching in theelementary school as my prime goal. It did not mean that I gave upteaching there, instead, I sensed the lack of knowledge according to myexperience. To stand in front of kids who rely onyou and trust whatever you said needs courage and confidence. Ihave the courage because I love the job; moreover, I love to beingwith them. However, I often question myself when the moon rise uponthe sky with tranquility. Was I dealing the problem in proper way?Did I really teach the kids what they desire to learn and theknowledge make sense to their lives? Those are reflections hide inmy mind. All and all, my parents was expecting that there would bean elementary school teacher in the family after this exam. Indeed,I let them down. But, I know where my destination is and am sailingthere steadily. Will I be a teacher? The answer is certainly, it isonly a matter of time.